Concurrent Enrollment

The Concurrent Enrollment Program (CEP) at Sussex is a cooperative program between the College and area high schools. This program provides high school students the opportunity to enroll in Sussex college courses offered at their high school.

These are general education courses that satisfy basic requirements in a broad range of majors. Each area high school, in conjunction with the College, determines the courses that are offered. 

The benefits of taking Concurrent Courses

  • Taught at the student's high school during their regular school day.
  • An exceptional opportunity to experience college coursework and earn college credits while completing the requirements for a high school diploma.
  • Concurrent Enrollment courses are taught by high school teachers that have been certified by Sussex to teach the course using the same credentialing guidelines as Sussex faculty.
  • There are no additional fees so students can earn college credits at a fraction of the cost.

These courses have the same requirements as those offered at Sussex and students receive the same college credit. Upon completion of the course, Concurrent Enrollment students will receive a grade report from Sussex which reflects the course, credits, and grade on the student’s official Sussex transcript. The student can request an official Sussex transcript at any time, at no cost.

Steps to Get Started:

Step 1: Apply for Concurrent Enrollment

  • Apply Online
  • Fill out the Application - include your social security number
  • For Admission Status, choose Concurrent High School Students – Concurrent Enrollment Program from the drop-down menu
  • Submit the Application
    • You will receive an email with the following:
      • Sussex Student ID Number
      • Sussex Passwords

Step 2 – Take the Placement Test (if needed)

  • Take the College-Level Math (CLM) Placement Test if you are taking any of the following classes at your high school: College Chemistry, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Physics with Calculus, or Chemistry with Calculus.
  • Contact the Testing Center at 973-300-2155. Check the Testing web page for study guides and sample test questions.

Step 3 – Print and fill out the Registration Form.

Email the form to

Step 4 – Pay Online

Congratulations, you are enrolled in the Concurrent Enrollment Program! 

For any questions, please email Julie Fliegel, Early College Coordinator or call 973-300-2223

Concurrent Enrollment Information

To view course descriptions, visit The College Catalog.


  • ARTA101 Basic Design
  • ARTA103 Art History I
  • ARTA175 Ceramics I
  • ARTA185 Digital Fine Art I
  • ARTA186 Digital Fine Art II
  • ARTA220 Ceramics II
  • COMM101 Intro to Mass Communications
  • GEOG110 World Geography
  • ENGL101 English Composition I
  • ENGL215 Journalism I
  • ENGL217 Journalism II
  • ENGL220 Creative Writing
  • GEOG110 World Geography
  • MUSC110 Introduction to Music Theory
  • MATH110 Pre-Calculus I
  • MATH113 Calculus I
  • MATH108 Statistics
  • PHOT109 Intro to Digital Photography
  • PHYS110 Physics I


  • ARTA175 Ceramics I
  • ARTA220 Ceramics II
  • BCST101 Intro to Building Construction
  • BCST103 Construction, Safety, Tools & Equipment
  • BIOS103 Anatomy and Physiology I
  • BIOS104 Anatomy and Physiology II
  • BUSA101 Intro. to Business
  • CHEM107 Forensic Science
  • COMM130 Television Production I
  • COMS155 Web Site Development
  • FREN102 Elementary French II
  • FREN201 Intermediate French I
  • MATH108 Statistics
  • MATH113 Calculus I
  • MUSC105 Chorus I
  • MUSC106 Chorus II
  • MUSC110 Introductory Music Theory
  • MUSC130 Piano I
  • MCHT103 Print and Drawing Interpretation
  • POLS105 American Government
  • PHOT109 Intro to Digital Photography
  • PSYC101 Introduction to Psychology
  • SOCA101 Introduction to Sociology
  • SPAN102 Elementary Spanish II
  • SPAN201 Intermediate Spanish I
  • THEA102 Acting I
  • THEA103 Acting II


  • BIOS107 Fundamentals of Nutrition
  • COMM130 Television Production I
  • CRJS100 Intro to Criminal Justice
  • ENGL101 English Composition I
  • ENGL102 English Composition II
  • GRAD101 Design I
  • OPTC101 Fundamentals of Optics I
  • SOCA101 Introduction to Sociology
  • SOCA150 Contemporary Issues of Sociology


  • ANTH101 Intro to Anthropology
  • ARTA101 Basic Design
  • ARTA175 Ceramics I
  • BCST112 Print Reading & Sketching
  • BIOS103 Anatomy & Physiology I
  • BIOS107 Nutrition Fundamentals
  • BIOS122 Intro to Environmental Science
  • CHEM110 College Chemistry I
  • CHEM112 Chemistry II
  • COMS225 Computer Aided Design
  • ECON101 Macroeconomics
  • ECON102 Microeconomics
  • ENGL101 English Composition I
  • ENGL102 English Composition II
  • EXSC101 Intro. to Exercise Science
  • HIST102 Western Civilization II
  • HIST105 U.S. History I
  • MATH108 Statistics
  • MATH113 Calculus I
  • PHOT109 Intro to Digital Photography
  • PHYS110 Physics I
  • POLS105 American Government
  • SOCA101 Introduction to Sociology
  • SPAN201 Intermediate Spanish I


  • BCST112 Print, Reading & Sketching
  • BIOS103 Anatomy & Physiology I
  • BIOS104 Anatomy & Physiology II
  • BIOS110 Biology I
  • BIOS112 Biology II
  • BIOS122 Intro. to Environmental Science
  • BUSA101 Intro to Business
  • BUSA220 Principles of Marketing
  • CHEM107 Forensic Science
  • CHEM110 College Chemistry I
  • CHEM112 College Chemistry II
  • COMS225 Computer Aided Design
  • ENGL101 English Composition I
  • ENGL201 Effective Speaking
  • ENGL220 Creative Writing
  • FREN101 Elementary French I
  • GRAD109 Intro to Digital Marketing
  • GRMN101 Elementary German I
  • MATH110 Pre-Calculus I
  • MATH108 Statistics
  • MATH112 Pre-Calculus II
  • PSYC101 Introduction to Psychology
  • SPAN201 Intermediate Spanish I
  • SPAN202 Intermediate Spanish II


  • AGSC101 Intro. To Agricultural Science
  • BUSA101 Intro to Business
  • BUSA220 Principles of Marketing
  • CHEM100 Introductory Chemistry
  • CHEM110 College Chemistry I
  • CHEM112 College Chemistry II
  • FREN201 Intermediate French I
  • FREN202 Intermediate French II
  • HIST101 History of Western Civilization I
  • HIST102 History of Western Civilization II
  • HORT102 Plant Propagation
  • HORT135 Ecological Landscape Management
  • HORT201 Introduction to Soil Science
  • MATH113 Calculus I
  • MUSC105 Chorus I
  • SPAN201 Intermediate Spanish I
  • SPAN202 Intermediate Spanish II


  • AGSC101 Intro. To Agricultural Science
  • BCST101 Intro to Building Construction
  • BCST142 Construction Materials & Methods I
  • BCST230 Construction Materials & Methods II
  • HORT201 Introduction to Soil Science


  • BUSA101 Intro. to Business
  • BUSA220 Principles of Marketing
  • COMM130 Television Production I
  • GRAD128 Digital Imagery & Editing
  • MUSC105 Chorus I
  • MATH110 Pre-Calculus I
  • PHIL110 Philosophy & the Meaning of Life
  • PSYC101 Introduction to Psychology
  • SPAN202 Intermediate Spanish II


  • BIOS110 Biology I
  • BIOS112 Biology II
  • COMM130 Television Production I
  • COMS114 Intro. to Computer Science I
  • COMS225 Computer Aided Design
  • COMS226 Computer Aided Design II
  • CRJS100 Intro to Criminal Justice
  • CRJS101 Law Enforcement
  • ENGL101 English Composition I
  • ENGL102 English Composition II
  • GRAD101 Introduction to Graphic Design
  • GRAD105 Vector Graphics & Page Design
  • GRAD128 Digital Imagery and Editing
  • HIST106 U.S. History II
  • HOST101 Intro. To Hotel Restaurant & Institutional Management
  • MATH108 Statistics
  • MATH110 Pre-Calculus I
  • MATH112 Pre-Calculus II
  • MATH113 Calculus I
  • OPTC101 Fundamentals of Optics I
  • PHYS120 Physics I with Calculus
  • PHYS121 Physics II with Calculus
  • PSYC101 Introduction to Psychology
  • THEA102 Acting I
  • THEA110 Theater Workshop


  • BIOS122 Intro to Environmental Science
  • BUSA101 Intro. to Business
  • BUSA120 Small Business Management
  • BUSA220 Principles of Marketing
  • CHEM110 Chemistry
  • CHEM112 Chemistry II
  • COMS110 Computer Concepts & Applications
  • COMS114 Introduction to Computer Science I
  • COMS155 Website Development
  • COSM101 Cosmetology Principles & Procedures I
  • COSM105 Cosmetology Principles & Procedures II
  • COSM108 Cosmetology Principles & Procedures III
  • COSM110 Science and Ethics for Cosmetology
  • CULA103 Food Service Sanitation
  • ECON101 Macroeconomics
  • ECON102 Microeconomics
  • ENGL101 English Composition I
  • ENGL102 English Composition II
  • GRAD105 Vector Graphics and Page Design
  • GRAD115 Intro to Game and Development
  • GRAD128 Digital Imagery and Editing
  • HOST101 Introduction to Hotel, Restaurant & Institutional Management
  • MATH104 Contemporary Math
  • MATH108 Statistics
  • MATH110 Pre-Calculus I
  • MATH113 Calculus I
  • MATH114 Calculus II
  • PSYC101 Introduction to Psychology
  • SPAN101 Elementary Spanish I


  • COMM215 Journalism I
  • ENGL101 English Composition I
  • ENGL102 English Composition II
  • MATH104 Contemporary Math
  • MATH108 Statistics
  • MUSC121 Voice I
  • SPAN102 Elementary Spanish II
  • SPAN201 Intermediate Spanish I
  • PHOT109 Intro. to Digital Photography
  • SOCA101 Intro. to Sociology

High school students can take advantage

Concurrent Enrollment
Sussex County/Out-of-County
1 Credit Course $75
2 Credit Course $150
3 Credit Course $225
4 Credit Course $300