Campus Safety

Emergency Communications

The College has established a Campus Safety Dispatch Center and installed phones throughout the campus to conveniently contact Campus Safety. There are also exterior phones on “Blue Light” posts in several parking lots that connect directly to security.

To report an emergency or request assistance, please choose from one of the following:

  • Call 911 to be connected to county emergency services dispatch, such as police, fire, or EMS.

  • Press the red EMERGENCY button on any parking lot “Blue Light” to be automatically connected to the Security Dispatcher.

  • Call Campus Safety at 973-300-2222 (or ext. 2222 internally).

Non-emergencies should be reported to Campus Safety at 973-300-2222 (or ext. 2222 internally).

Emergency Automobile Service

The College does not assume responsibility for the cost of any emergency service assistance. Payment for services rendered is the responsibility of the individual receiving the service, not the College. Sussex Campus Security will assist the student in contacting an emergency service provider.

Emergency Closing/Delayed Openings

In the event of campus closures, for any reason, students, staff, and faculty can access several communication outlets for information related to that closing, including the website, your college email, text messaging (depending on the notification you signed up for), and the College Facebook page. Students attending classes at area high schools should check with those schools in the event of weather-related closings.  

In the event of a delayed opening, a class that would have an hour or more of class time left will still meet. All classes held at extension sites (i.e., high schools) will be closed for evening Sussex classes if the extension site was closed during the day for snow or emergency. Online class activities will take place as scheduled even when the main campus is closed due to inclement weather. Students in online courses should understand that assignments should be submitted online at the scheduled time, even in instances where the main campus is closed due to inclement weather.

Campus delayed openings or closings due to emergencies or severe weather are communicated in the following ways:

  • Regroup Alert System
  • website
  • Social Media

Regroup Alert System

Sussex utilizes a broadcast alerting service, Regroup, to communicate information to students, faculty, staff, and other campus community members. Regroup sends mobile text alerts, an email, and/or recorded voice messages to participating students, faculty, and staff.

All Regroup subscribers will receive emergency broadcast messages. All registered Sussex students should sign up for the Regroup Mass Notification to receive important College notifications and weather closings.

Regroup does not charge subscribers to receive SMS messages. Messaging charges may apply, depending upon your wireless carrier plan.

Alertus Desktop

In addition to Regroup, Sussex also uses Alertus Desktop to override computer displays across the Sussex network with critical alert messages. In an emergency, computers are overridden with a full-screen alert containing an Emergency Alert notification. The message will advise recipients of the emergency and instruct them on what procedures they should employ to safeguard themselves.

Emergency Evacuation/Fire Alarms/Lockdowns

All Sussex buildings are equipped with a PA emergency notification system and fire alarms. In the event of an emergency or fire/smoke, or any other situation which requires evacuation of the buildings, the PA system will notify the campus, and fire alarms will sound.

At the sound of the PA system or fire alarm, all faculty, staff, and students are required to evacuate the building. A non-audible fire warning system has been installed to alert those who are deaf or hearing impaired that an emergency warning has been issued. The system features a flashing blue strobe light which signals the need to evacuate the building.

Campus Safety has also established emergency rescue areas for those who need assistance exiting the building. If an emergency on the Sussex campus requires the use of evacuation procedures, it is necessary that the College have information about individuals who may need assistance during such an event. If a student has any condition that may endanger themselves or others in an emergency should call the Student Accessibilities Services Coordinator, located in the Student Success Center, at 973-300-2153 to be sure that you are included in the security information. Those individuals should proceed to the emergency rescue areas located on their floor, where emergency personnel will assist. This information will be strictly confidential and available only to those who need it during an emergency.


How To Respond When an Active
Shooter is in Your Vicinity





Run – Evacuate

• Have an escape route and plan in mind

• Leave your belongings behind

• Keep your hands visible


Hide – Lockdown

• Hide in an area out of the shooter’s view

• Block entry to your hiding place and lock the doors

• Silence your cell phone and/or pager


Fight – Take Action

• As a last resort and only when your life is in imminent danger

• Attempt to incapacitate the shooter

• Act with physical aggression and throw items at the active shooter

When it is safe to do so, call 9-1-1. In active shooter situations, fire alarms may be activated. Remember that the active shooter threat is the primary threat. When in lockdown, you should only evacuate when there are visible signs of fire.







At the sound of the fire alarm, immediately evacuate the building:

  • If you supervise students, instruct them to take their car keys, stay together, and assemble at the predetermined location.
  • Only use stairways for emergency evacuation. Avoid using elevators.

Take attendance at the start of class, and take the roster when you evacuate to the Evacuation Assembly Area.


Assemble in the designated Evacuation Assembly Area:

  • Determine if everyone was evacuated by taking attendance and comparing it to the class start attendance.
  • Report the names of missing students to the Emergency Supervisor along with their last known locations.
  • Do not attempt to re-enter the building until instructed to do so by the Emergency Supervisor a designee.

If occupants are not permitted to re-enter the building, they may use their automobile to leave the campus.


If a physically challenged occupant is unable to exit the building:

  • Relocate the individual to an Area of Rescue Assistance on the landing of the closest stairwell.
  • Notify the college personnel of the person’s location.

Emergency Personnel will evacuate the disabled person.


If circumstances prevent you from evacuating the building:

  • Remain in your room and close the door
  • Call 2222 (973-300-2222 from an outside line) and report your location to security.

The receptionist can call for assistance via two-way radio.







Call 911

If your judgment warrants such action, call 911 first and notify security to alert the First Response Team.


Call Campus Safety


Use the blue phones located in parking lots. 

Campus Safety will respond to the scene if necessary. They may also notify the county emergency dispatch.


Be prepared to state:
1. Location of the Emergency
2. Nature of the Emergency
3. Your Name


Stay with any victim(s) until help arrives, but only if you can safely do so without endangering yourself.


A lock-down order may be issued for a variety of emergencies, such as an active threat of violence on campus or criminal activity in the area.





Lock doors and windows, and close shades.

  • Turn off lights and all electric and gas appliances.

• Do not admit anyone into the room once the door is locked.


Move to a safe corner of the room.

  • To reduce visibility and take shelter under desks, tables, or heavy furniture.
  • Keep away from windows.
  • If you have students, verify attendance.

• The safest area in each room will be different. The optimal location is out of the line of sight of someone outside the room.


Remain in position

  • ALL CLEAR” will be announced



Emergency Phone Numbers


Phone Number



• Blue phones in parking lots connect directly to Campus Safety
• 973-300-2222



• 973-300-2104

County 911 Dispatch

• 911



HIV/AIDS Statement

In accord with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 USC 794), Titles I and II of the regulations implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 USC 12101 et seq.) and the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (N.J.S.A. 10:5-4), Sussex County Community College will not discriminate against anyone on the basis of HIV status. No one will be denied admission, employment, promotion in employment, housing, access to facilities, or fair treatment on the basis of HIV status, nor will the institution tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment.

All offices, departments, agencies, and members of Sussex County Community College are required to comply with federal and state laws protecting patient/client confidentiality and the confidentiality of medical records and HIV/AIDS test results.

Sussex County Community College recognizes that no one has the “right to know” information regarding another person’s HIV status, regardless of the circumstances or the person requesting such information, e.g., administrators, personal representatives, professors, and students. Implementation of Center for Disease Control (CDC) universal precautions and OSHA standards governing blood-borne pathogens should be sufficient to protect all members of the Sussex County Community College community from potential HIV/AIDS infection resulting from bleeding accidents. 

Members of Sussex County Community College should be advised that violation of federal and state statutes protecting confidentiality may result in fines, liability, and anti-discrimination suits. In the absence of a cure, the first response to the HIV epidemic must be education. Sussex County Community College recognizes its responsibility and is committed to providing HIV/AIDS education to all members of its community. In acknowledging the dignity and intrinsic value of every member of the Sussex County Community College Community, Sussex encourages all its members to educate themselves and their peers concerning HIV/AIDS, to become actively involved in supporting and participating in HIV/AIDS prevention education and awareness activities and to join in supporting persons living with HIV/AIDS.

Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security and Crimes Statistics Act

Your safety at Sussex County Community College is one of our top priorities. For its commitment to student safety, the college has received top honors from the School Alliance Insurance Fund.

Campus Safety Officers utilize foot and vehicle patrols to observe and report situations or activities that may pose a danger to persons or property. The Campus Safety Office is located in the Student Center (D Building). Security can be reached at 973-300-2222.

Campus Security Officers are not armed and do not have police powers, but they will assist you by responding to all complaints and emergencies on campus. If warranted, Security shall contact emergency services for Police, Fire, or EMS Response. Security Officers have received First Aid, CPR, and AED training in addition to instruction in campus public safety procedures. These Security Officers report to the Director of Campus Safety and Security, who may be reached at 973-300-2119.

The College has a cooperative relationship with the Newton Police Department, in which their officers periodically patrol the campus roadways and parking facilities, maintaining public order, crime prevention, and providing for the enforcement of local and state laws.

Campus Access

The campus is closed from 10 pm to 6 am except for approved special events. Building accessibility is permitted only during normal business hours unless otherwise approved by a College administrator.


Any incident regarding safety or security on the Sussex County Community College campus should be reported to Campus Safety at 973-300-2222.

Campus Safety will respond to all complaints. All reports of crime will be fully recorded, investigated, and reported in accordance with the definitions used in the Uniform Crime Reporting Systems of the Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Timely Warnings

Sussex will issue Timely Warnings to alert the campus community to certain crimes that are reported to campus safety authorities or local police agencies and are considered by Sussex to represent a threat to students and employees. The College President, or their designee, will decide, and all emergency notifications will be used. Timely Warnings will not include the victims’ name(s).

Crime Tips

Use the Newton Police Department’s Text-A-Tip program to report a crime tip and remain anonymous. No one will know the tipster's identity. The technology routes messages through a server that encrypts cell phone numbers before they reach the police. It also allows investigators to reply securely to the cell phone without compromising the tipster’s identity.

Send Text Message tips to: CRIMES (274-637). Use the keyword: NEWTON

In addition, the Sussex County Sheriff’s Office maintains a confidential “Crime Stoppers” hotline, which can be reached at 973-300-CRIME (2746).

These services are for reporting tips to aid in investigations, not for reporting crimes in progress. To report a crime in progress, call 911.

Campus Awareness

Campus security precautions and crime statistics can be obtained on our website in compliance with the federal 1990 Students Right to Know Act; this report is made available to prospective students and employees, as well as current students and employees at Sussex.

Alcoholic Beverages and Illegal Drugs

Sussex County Community College is committed to the premise that its students and employees shall learn and work in a drug and alcohol-free environment. Sussex in no way will condone the illicit use of alcohol and drugs by either its employees or its students and will not foster or promote any such activity. In accordance with the policy approved by the Board of Trustees of Sussex County Community College (initially adopted: February 20, 1990, revised: August 28, 1990) and in accordance with public Law 101-226, the College declares that it will make every effort to provide its students and employees with an environment that is free of the problems associated with the unauthorized use and abuse of alcohol and illegal drugs. The College is committed to promoting its students' and employees' wellness and positive self-development. The unauthorized use and abuse of alcohol and the illegal use and abuse of drugs inhibit students and employees from attaining the benefit of their learning and/or work experience, expose them to serious illness and health risks, and therefore, are prohibited. The College will impose disciplinary sanctions on students and employees that may include expulsion or termination of employment and referral for prosecution for violations of the standard of conduct. Such disciplinary sanctions may include the completion of a rehabilitation program. More detailed information and College policies can be found at the end of this handbook under “Employee and Student Program to Prevent Illicit Use of Drugs and Abuse of Alcohol.”

Registered Sex Offender Information

Information on registered sex offenders may be obtained from the Sussex County Prosecutors Office, Megan’s Law Unit at 973-383-1570 or at See also Megan’s Law Requirements.

Sexual Assault

The College will not tolerate sexual assault in any form. Where there is probable cause to believe that college regulations prohibiting sexual assault have been violated, the College will pursue strong disciplinary action through its student conduct and due process procedures. This discipline includes the possibility of suspension or dismissal from the College. An individual charged with sexual assault can be prosecuted under New Jersey criminal statutes and disciplined under Sussex County Community College’s institutional policies. Even if the criminal justice authorities choose not to prosecute, the College can pursue disciplinary action.

What is Sexual Assault

The Federal Government defines “sexual assault” to mean any kind of non-consensual violence, including but not limited to rape, acquaintance rape, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. Rape and acquaintance rape is defined as acts of non-consensual sexual penetration.

The other acts are defined as follows:

  • “Dating violence” means violence by a person who has been in a romantic or intimate relationship with the victim. Whether there was such a relationship will be gauged by its length, type, and frequency of interaction.
  • “Domestic violence” means asserted violence, misdemeanor, and felony offenses committed by the victim’s current or former spouse, current or former cohabitant, person similarly situated under domestic violence or family violence law, or anyone else protected under domestic or family violence law.
  • “Stalking" means a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for their or others’ safety or to suffer substantial emotional stress.

What is Consent?

Consent in this policy means a clear YES to the specific act in question. Consent is informed, knowing, and voluntary. Consent is active, not passive. Silence, in and of itself, cannot be interpreted as consent. Consent to one form of sexual activity cannot imply consent to future sexual acts. At any time, a participant can communicate that they no longer consent to continue the activity. Consent cannot be procured by use of physical force, compelling threats, intimidating behavior, or coercion.

Campus Awareness Programs

Sussex provides educational programs related to awareness and prevention of sexual assault. Annually, the Student Success Center provides workshops on prevention, and the Office of Campus Life provides workshops on safety and health, and wellness. A number of workshops and seminars, documentaries and film series, and survivor panels are held on campus in collaboration with Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault Intervention Services (DASI) of Sussex County and with the Center for Prevention and Counseling of Newton, NJ. Presentations for faculty and staff on sexual violence and trauma are scheduled. The Clothesline Project, a domestic violence awareness program, is held every April in the Student Center.

Campus Sexual Assault Victim’s Bill of Rights Introduction: A college or university in a free society must be devoted to pursuing truth and knowledge through reason and open communication among its members. Academic communities acknowledge the necessity of being intellectually stimulating where the diversity of ideas is valued. Its rules must be conceived for the purpose of furthering and protecting the rights of all members of the university community in achieving these ends.

The boundaries of personal freedom are limited by applicable state and federal laws and institutional rules and regulations governing interpersonal behavior. In creating a community free from violence, sexual assault, and non-consensual sexual contact, respect for the individual and human dignity are of paramount importance.

The State of New Jersey recognizes that the impact of violence on its victims and the surrounding community can be severe and long-lasting. Thus, it has established this Bill of Rights to articulate requirements for policies, procedures, and services designed to ensure that the needs of victims are met and that the colleges and universities in New Jersey create and maintain communities that support human dignity.

Bill of Rights

The following Rights shall be accorded to victims of sexual assault that occur:

  • on the campus of any public or independent institution of higher
    education in the state of New Jersey
  • where the victim or alleged perpetrator is a student at that institution and/or
  • when the victim is a student involved in an off-campus sexual assault.

Human Dignity Rights

  • to be free from any suggestion that victims must report the crimes,
  • to be assured of any other right guaranteed under this policy,
  • to have any allegations of sexual assault treated seriously; the right to be treated with dignity.
  • to be free from any suggestion that victims are responsible for the commission of crimes against them,
  • to be free from any pressure from campus personnel to:
    • report crimes if the victim does not wish
      to do so,
    • report crimes as lesser offenses than the victim perceives the crime to be,
    • refrain from reporting crimes,
    • refrain from reporting crimes to avoid unwanted personal publicity.

Rights to Resources On and Off Campus

  • to be notified of existing campus and community-based medical, counseling, mental health, and student services for victims of sexual assault, whether or not the crime is formally reported to campus or civil authorities.
  • to have access to campus counseling under the same terms and conditions as apply to other students in their institution seeking such counseling,
  • to be informed of and assisted in exercising:
    • any rights to confidential or anonymous
      testing for sexually transmitted diseases, human immunodeficiency virus, and/or pregnancy.
    • any rights that may be provided by law to compel and disclose the results of
      testing of sexual assault suspects for communicable diseases.

Campus Judicial Rights

  • to be afforded the same access to legal assistance as the accused.
  • to be afforded the same opportunity to have others present during any campus disciplinary proceeding that is allowed the accused.
  • to be notified of the outcome of the sexual assault disciplinary proceeding against the accused.

Legal Rights

  • to have any allegation of sexual assault investigated and adjudicated by the appropriate criminal and civil authorities of the jurisdiction in which the sexual assault is reported,
  • to receive full and prompt cooperation and assistance of campus personnel in notifying the proper authorities,
  • to full, prompt and victim-sensitive cooperation of campus personnel with regard to obtaining, securing, and maintaining evidence, including a medical examination when it is necessary to preserve evidence of the assault.

Campus Intervention Rights

  • to require campus personnel to take reasonable and necessary actions to prevent further unwanted contact of victims by their alleged assailant,
  • to be notified of the options for and provided assistance in changing academic and living situations if such changes are reasonably available.

What To Do If You Are a Victim of Sexual Assault

First, you should get to a place of safety.

Next, get the necessary medical treatment.

A DASI Confidential Sexual Violence Advocate can be with you during medical and legal proceedings. Call 973-875-1211 for an advocate or to activate the Sussex County Sexual Assault Response Team (SART).

According to the website, it is important that you:

  • Do not change your clothing
  • Do not bathe, shower or douche
  • Do not urinate, if possible
  • Do not drink, eat or smoke
  • Place additional evidence (such as clothing or bedding) in a paper bag

Physical Examination and Medical Treatment

A complete physical examination is very important. Victims of sexual assault may not be aware of external and internal injuries that may require treatment. Early medical attention is necessary to test for and possibly prevent sexually transmitted diseases or infections. If left untreated, sexually transmitted infections/venereal diseases may result in serious health problems. Early medical attention is necessary to test for and receive treatment to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
Follow-up care is very important to ensure that injuries have healed properly and that sexually transmitted infections are treated appropriately. Tests for infections and pregnancy must be repeated.

Campus Crime Statistics

For campus crime statistics, a copy of the Annual Security Report can be obtained from our website.

Evidence Collection

A forensic kit is typically used within 5 days to collect evidence from the victim’s body (the earlier, the better). This evidence can be used to prosecute the offender. The victim may have the forensic kit done anonymously, and the evidence can be held for 90 days. There is no cost associated with forensic evidence collection and initial treatment.

How to File a Complaint

There are multiple places for students to report allegations of sexual assault both on and off campus. Reports of sexual assault can be made to any of the following:

On Campus

  • Stacie Caputo, Human Resources Director, D313: 973-300-2772
  • Todd Poltersdorf, Associate Dean of Athletics/Student Discipline/Alumni, E240: 973-300-225
  • Keith Festa, Director of Campus Safety and Security, D313: 973-300-2119
  • Campus Safety Office, Student Center (D Building): 973-300-2222


  • Newton Police Department: 973-383-2525
  • New Jersey State Police, Sussex Barracks: 973-383-1515


These resources exist on campus and in the community for reporting allegations of sexual assault and obtaining appropriate medical treatment and counseling support services:

On Campus

  • The Student Success Center, B206: 973-300-2209
  • Campus Safety Office, Student Center (D Building): 973-300-2222


  • Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault Intervention Services (DASI) 24hr Hotline: 973-875-1211
  • Sussex County Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) 24-hour Hotline 973-875-1211
  • Sussex County Prosecutor’s Office Sex Crimes Unit: 973-300-1570
  • Warren County Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault Crisis Center: 908-453-4121
  • Morris County Morris CARES, 24hr Hotline: 973-829-0587
  • Pike County, PA Safe Haven, Inc., 24hr Hotline 570-296-4357
  • Monroe County, NY Crisis Center, 24hr Hotline: 1-800-832-1200
  • NJ Statewide Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-572-SAFE
  • NJ Statewide Sexual Violence Hotline:1-800-601-7200
  • NJ Statewide Human Trafficking Hotline" 1-877-986-7543
  • Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network (RAINN): 1-800-656-4673

Information packets on the Bill of Rights and access to resources for assistance are available in the Office of Student Affairs, Student Success Center, Athletic Office, Human Resources, and the Office of Campus Safety and Security.

Lost and Found

Lost and Found is located in the Campus Safety Office in the Student Center (D Building). All items should be delivered to this location for owner identification and retrieval.

Megan's Law Requirements

ATTENTION: All Persons Previously Convicted of Sex-Related Offenses

This is to inform you that, due to amendments to the New Jersey Megan’s Law statutes, you may, under penalty of law, be required to register your presence in Sussex County regardless of where or when your conviction occurred.

In addition to all other Megan’s Law requirements, if the following circumstances apply to you, please contact your local police department.

  1. You are enrolled in any public or private educational institution of this state, including any secondary school, trade or professional school, the institution of higher learning or post-secondary school on a full-time or part-time basis, or
  2. You are employed or carry on a vocation in any public or private educational institution of this state, including any secondary school, trade or professional school, the institution of higher learning or post-secondary school on a full-time or part-time basis, with or without compensation, for more than 14 consecutive days or for an aggregate period exceeding 30 days in a calendar year.

Please contact your own attorney, the local police department, Sussex Station of the New Jersey State Police, or the Sussex County Prosecutor’s Office to determine whether you must register. (Published at the request of the County Prosecutor)

Minors on Campus

Prior to the current pandemic, the College had allowed some leeway to faculty and offices to permit minors to accompany custodial students or staff on campus. Until further notice, minors will not be allowed to accompany custodial students or staff on campus.

The College is dedicated to ensuring the safety, protection, and well-being of all individuals on campus, as well as maintaining an academic environment conducive to learning. As such, minors may not be brought to the Campus and then left unattended on the grounds, in automobiles or in any facility owned, leased, or used by the College or its authorized agents. The College does not permit minors to accompany students to classes except at the discretion of individual faculty members. For safety purposes, minors who are not enrolled in specific programs of study are not allowed in science laboratory settings or technology labs, including but not limited to automotive, cosmetology, welding, machine tool, culinary arts, and building construction, under any circumstances. Unattended minors, once identified by college personnel, will be reported to security. Parents or guardians will be identified and notified by security to either remain with the minor, escort them from the College Campus, or make other suitable arrangements consistent with this policy’s requirements.


Sussex County Community College provides parking for students, faculty, and staff in marked parking lots for convenient access to buildings on both the upper and lower campuses. Parking is free; however, students, faculty, and staff park at their own risk and are required to have a parking decal displayed.

Parking regulations are enforced by Campus Security and supported by Newton Police Department, and summonses will be issued for violations. All students, faculty, and staff planning to have a vehicle on campus must register for a parking sticker at the Campus Safety Office in the Student Center. A separate parking sticker is required for each vehicle. The sticker does not guarantee or reserve a parking space. Parking is on a “first come” basis. The College is not responsible for lost or stolen items or damage to vehicles. Be sure to lock your vehicle and place any packages or valuables in the trunk or out of sight.

Traffic Parking Regulations and Procedures

  • Students: Vehicle registration with the College is required each academic year, July to June. The decal sticker must be displayed no later than the tenth day following the commencement of classes. The decal must be displayed on the driver-side corner of the rear window. Motorcycles must affix a decal on the front fork opposite state inspection sticker. Vehicles that are sold or traded or disposed of by other means must remove the sticker. Vehicles may be registered at the security desk located in the Administration Building.
  • Students must park in designated white striped general parking spaces ONLY. There is no parking on the grass. All other parking spaces marked with yellow stripes are reserved for faculty and staff. Parking in reserved parking spaces, including visitors parking without proper clearance, will result in a ticket
  • Handicap parking is available in Lots 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10 and is reserved for anyone with a valid, state-issued handicap license plate or permit.
    a) Handicap parking spaces are marked in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances.
    b) Handicap spaces are protected by
    law; violators will receive tickets from the municipal authorities.
  • Fire Lanes are legally protected and vital to the safety of the College community. Vehicles parked in fire lanes will be subject to towing, at the owner’s expense, by the local fire authorities or at the discretion of the College.
  • Parking tickets will be issued for rule infractions and will be assessed a fine of $10 (excludes handicap spaces, Security will refer violations to municipal authority for enforcement). Fines are to be paid within 14 days at the Bursar’s Office in the main lobby of the Administration Building. Failure to pay parking tickets will result in a “parking hold” which will prohibit registration until the fine is paid.
  • Repeated parking offenses will subject students to discipline as prescribed by the Student Code of Conduct.
  • Students may appeal parking offenses in writing to the Director of Campus Safety, Sussex County Community College: One College Hill Road, Newton, NJ 07860.
    Appeals may also be left in the care of the officer at the Campus Safety Office. Appeals must be made within 14 days of the issuance of the ticket. Students will be notified in writing as to the status of their appeal.
  • All vehicles must be removed by the time the College closes each day. No overnight parking is permitted.

Visitor Parking

Visitor parking is provided on the lower campus in Lot 2. Visitors must register at the Main Desk in the Administration Building. At no time are students, faculty or staff permitted to park in the Visitor Parking.

Traffic Regulations

  • The speed limit at the College is 15 mph unless otherwise posted. This regulation is strictly enforced and is for the safety of all.
  • Pedestrians have the right-of-way at all times. Motorists must yield to pedestrians.
  • All persons operating a vehicle on campus must obey stop signs and all other signs regulating traffic safety.
  • All vehicle accidents occurring on campus must be reported to the security desk in the Administration Building and the Newton Police Department. In the case of bodily injury, the incident should also be reported on a College Incident Report, which can be obtained at the Security Office in the Student Center.

On-Campus Safety Escort Program

If you need Campus Security to escort you to or from your car or another building/location on campus, you may request this from any security officer on patrol or call our direct, non-emergency number at 973-300-2222.

You may also use the black non-emergency info button on our parking areas' Emergency Code Blue units. The On-Campus Safety Escort program is available to the entire College community (students, faculty, staff, and visitors) who would like an officer to escort them to/from a campus building or location for any reason.
This service is for campus and not off-campus property.

Campus Safety Precautions

There is no absolute protection against crime, but the Office of Student Affairs would like to offer some warnings and precautions that you can take to help you avoid becoming a victim.

  1. Never leave any valuables unattended in classrooms, restrooms, offices, etc.
  2. When walking at night, walk in pairs and use the best-lighted route
  3. If you notice unusual behavior, report it to the Security Office in the Student Center.
  4. When you walk to your vehicle, have your keys ready.
  5. Lock the doors as soon as you get into the vehicle.
  6. If you are a victim of a crime, notify Campus Security immediately at 973-300-2222, who, in turn, will notify the Newton Police Department at 973-383-2525.

Pets/Animals on Campus

Pets and/or other animals are prohibited from all College buildings except for registered service animals. Pets and/or other animals must be leashed and are prohibited from being left in automobiles, tethered on campus, or otherwise endangered. Pet owners or custodians are expected to maintain proper hygiene by removing all waste material.

Sexual Harassment & TITLE IX

Sexual harassment is illegal. Both state and federal laws prohibit harassment of any employee, student, agent, or member of the College community by any executive, supervisor, employee, student, or visitor on the basis of sex or gender. Sexual harassment is defined under federal law as: “unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when:

  1. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment,
  2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual, or
  3. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.” 29CFR Sec. 1604.11 (a)

Any employee or student who sexually harasses another employee, student, agent, or member of the College community will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment, consistent with terms of collective bargaining agreements, as applicable, or expulsion of the student.

The purpose of this policy is to ensure a positive work and learning environment for all employees and students free from the effects of sexual harassment which may produce a hostile, unproductive work environment.

Consensual Relationships

This policy also prohibits consensual amorous relationships or physically intimate relationships between a faculty or staff member and a student whenever the faculty or staff member is in a position of professional or supervisory responsibility with respect to the student. This includes, but is not limited to, faculty and student, staff and student, coach and player and supervisor and student worker.


What is Title IX?

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination based on sex in education programs. It reads:
“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” –Legal Citation: Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and its implementing regulation at 34 C.F.R. Part 106 (Title IX)

Prohibited Misconduct at Sussex County Community College includes:

  • Sexual Harassment
  • Gender-Based Harassment
  • Pregnancy or Related Conditions Harassment
  • Sexual Intimidation
  • Sexual Exploitation
  • Sexual Assault and Non-Consensual
  • Sexual Contact
  • Domestic Violence
  • Dating Violence
  • Stalking
  • Retaliation

While often thought of as a law that applies to athletics programs, Title IX is much broader than athletics and applies to many programs at Sussex County Community College. Compliance with the law is everyone’s responsibility at Sussex County Community College. For information on how to contact staff members who have primary responsibility for Title IX compliance, click here

About Reporting an Incident

It is the policy of Sussex County Community College that all students and staff shall be able to learn and work in an environment free from harassment and discrimination.

Sussex County Community College encourages anyone who has experienced sexual misconduct, such as sex or gender-based discrimination, harassment, sexual violence, bullying or stalking, to report the incidence directly to the Title IX Coordinator or the Title IX Team. At Sussex, you can expect to have incidents of sexual misconduct taken seriously and can be assured that each individual will be treated with dignity and respect. Formally reported incidents are investigated promptly, thoroughly, and equitably and resolved through appropriate measures. Formal reporting means that information discovered and provided is shared with investigators, witnesses, and the accused individual, as necessary, with tremendous care.

In addition to the Title IX Coordinator, there are other members of the campus staff known as “Mandated Reporters”. Mandated Reporters are non-Confidential Employees who either have authority to institute corrective measures on the College’s behalf or have responsibility for administrative leadership, teaching, or advising in the College’s education program or activity. Most members of the College community who are considered Mandated Reporters and include (but are not limited to):

  • Deans, Directors, and Vice Presidents
  • Student Affairs Staff
  • Faculty Members and Advisors
  • Members of SCCC’s Administration Staff

Mandated Reporters are required to notify the Title IX Coordinator or designee if they have information about conduct that may reasonably constitute sex discrimination, including sex-based harassment. Talking with any of these individuals constitutes a report to the College and will therefore be shared with the Title IX Coordinator.

Disclosure of different types of sexual misconduct shared with a “Mandated Reporter” must be reported promptly to the Title IX Coordinator. The Title IX Coordinator works collaboratively with the reporting individual and makes every effort to operate with discretion and maintain the privacy of all parties involved. Confidential Resources keep your identity and information private and anonymous. Counselors are confidential resources. Counseling Services are located in The Student Success Center, Room B206, 973-300-2207.

Report an Incident

To report an incident, you may contact any of the following:


Sussex Campus Safety and Security: (973) 300-2222/2103

Title IX Coordinator:
Stacie Caputo, Human Resources Director,
Student Center (D Building), Room 313
Telephone: (973) 300-2772

The SCCC Title IX Team
Sussex County Community College has a team of trained employees who are available to assist in cases of sexual misconduct such as sexual harassment, sexual violence, discrimination, or other unwelcome behavior that occurs on campus or during activities related to school, such as athletic events.

When an incident of gender-based misconduct occurs, SCCC promptly, equitably, and thoroughly investigates under the parameters of Title IX. Overseeing the team of trained employees is the College’s Title IX Coordinator. This person is responsible for supervising all activities relating to Title IX investigations, activities, and training programs.

Responsibilities of the Coordinator include:

  • Overseeing all Title IX complaints and investigations
  • Providing prompt, thorough, and equitable investigations and resolutions
  • Coordinating training, education, and communication related to Title IX
  • Interacting with students, faculty, staff, and college administrators about Title IX activities

Sussex County Community College’s Full Title IX Policy and Procedures.

Smoke, tobacco, and Vape-free Campus

The College is a smoke, tobacco, and vape-free campus. Tobacco, e-cigarettes (including vapor devices), and tobacco products are banned from all campus buildings and facilities. Smoking on campus is only permitted when inside personal vehicles.

Students who fail to comply with the policy may be fined and/or disciplined progressively consistent with the Student Code of Conduct. Visitors who fail to comply will be escorted off campus. Students may be ticketed for violations of this policy. Anyone suspected of violating this policy may be asked to present identification to security. Failure to comply may result in further disciplinary action.


Weapons, ammunition, fireworks, and other explosives are prohibited on College property, or at any other location where the College offers courses or sponsors events.

This policy does not apply to active law enforcement personnel whose authority and/or requirement to carry firearms is regulated by a federal, state, or local law enforcement agency. We request that law enforcement personnel contact Security and advise them of their presence on campus.

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